
Game Design Week 4 Workshop


This is a Territorial acquisition game and the story based on the Chinese famous novel The Romance of The Three Kingdoms.This game require few pieces(On behalf of the players),4 different kinds of card(city cards,general cards,soldiers cards and fate cards),dice(used for move)and a game map.

The game action and rules 

Each of the players in a round can move with dice, and at the same time when they moved to different areas can have different operating.

there are 4 different areas in a game map:

  • city:When the player moved to a ownerless city, players can choose to buy.After that, players can excise when other players stay in this city.If this city belong to other players,player can choose pay the money or attack the city.
  • village:player can recruiting soldiers in this area.
  • hotel:player can hire generals in the area.Each general have leadership(decide how many soldiers he can lead)and the martial arts two attributes
  • temple:player should choose one fate card,it is may a blessing or a curse.


When player moves to enemy's city,he can choose 3 different fight style.

  • siege:Attackers need at least 3 generals. The key to win the combat depends on the general's leadership and the solders.The winner can be captured the city.

  • fight in battlefield:Players can only send a general in the army to fight, and the winner can avoid paying.The key to success only depends on the general's leadership.
  • duel:Players can only send a general.The key to win all depends on the general's martial arts.The winner can avoid paying.
p.s:All the 3 fight's style  can be refused by defender.If defender refuse fight in battlefield and duel,he cannot excise from attacker,but if defender
refuse siege,he will lost the city.


If a player lost his money so he will be eliminated out of the game.The last player should be winner.

